Jammu and Kashmir’s Standstill Agreement with India and Pakistan, August 12, 1947

Maharaja Hari Singh and Sardar Patel

Read the Jammu and Kashmir’s Standstill Agreement with India and Pakistan, August 12, 1947

Identical telegrams were sent by the Prime Minister of Kashmir to the Dominions of India and Pakistan on August 12, 1947. The text is as follows:

“Jammu and Kashmir Government would welcome Standstill Agreements with India (Pakistan) on all matters on which these exist at present moment with outgoing British India Government. It is suggested that existing arrangements should continue pending settlement of details.”

Reply from the Government of Pakistan sent on August 15, 1947:

“Your telegram of the 12th. The Government of Pakistan agree to have a Standstill Agreement with the Government of Jammu and Kashmir for the continuance of the existing arrangements pending settlement of details and formal execution.”

Reply from Government of India:

“Government of India would be glad if you or some other Minister duly authorised in this behalf could fly to Delhi for negotiating Standstill Agreement between Kashmir Government and India Dominion. Early action desirable to maintain intact existing agreements and administrative arrangements.”

The representative of Kashmir did not visit Delhi and no Standstill Agreement was concluded between the State and the Dominion of India.

Read the History of Jammu and Kashmir from 1819 to 2023.

Courtesy & Source: https://ciaotest.cc.columbia.edu/olj/sa/sa_oct01app01.html