Yala Glacier is Shrinking and May Vanish by 2040s

Yala Glacier may vanish by 2040s

The Yala Glacier, located in the Langtang region of Nepal, is one of the prominent glaciers in the Himalayas. Situated at an elevation of around 5,000 meters, it is a relatively small glacier but holds significant importance for scientific research and environmental monitoring. The glacier is particularly known for being a destination for mountaineers and researchers studying climate change impacts on Himalayan glaciers.

News Related to Yala Glacier

In recent years, the Yala Glacier has been the focus of concern due to noticeable retreat and ice loss. Like many other glaciers in the Himalayan region, it is shrinking at an alarming rate, a phenomenon linked to global warming and changes in regional weather patterns. The retreat of glaciers like Yala threatens water security for millions of people who depend on glacial melt for freshwater.

Researchers and scientists frequently monitor the Yala Glacier to gather data on ice thickness, melt rates, and overall health. Such studies provide critical insights into the long-term effects of climate change and help policymakers develop strategies for sustainable water resource management. Moreover, the glacier serves as an accessible site for training mountaineers and conducting scientific expeditions.

The situation of the Yala Glacier underscores the urgent need to address climate change and its consequences for the fragile Himalayan ecosystem and the communities it supports.

Yala Glacier and Global Glacier Casualty List

Yala glacier is the only glacier in the entire Himalayas to be included in the Global Glacier Casualty List, a project launched in 2024 through a collaboration between Rice University, University of Iceland, Iceland Glaciological Society, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), World Glacier Monitoring Service, and UNESCO.

Know more about glaciers, largest glacier in India and the world.

For more details see: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/dehradun/nepals-yala-glacier-predicted-to-vanish-by-2040s/articleshow/117337941.cms