Linguistic Policy of Shivaji Maharaj

Religious Policy of Shivaji Maharaj and Linguistic Policy of Shivaji Maharaj

The Linguistic Policy of Shivaji Maharaj is an important aspect for students and those who have a keen interest in the history of India.

Linguistic Policy of Shivaji Maharaj

During the reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, significant linguistic policies were implemented, reflecting a deliberate shift away from Persian, the prevalent courtly language of the region, towards the promotion and assertion of Marathi and Hindu cultural identity:

Preference for Marathi: Shivaji’s court favored the use of Marathi over Persian, emphasizing the importance of the local language in administration and governance. Marathi was promoted as a means of communication for systematic description and comprehension within the state apparatus.

Assertion of Hindu Culture: Shivaji Maharaj’s administration sought to assert Hindu political and courtly cultures, aligning language policies with the broader goal of strengthening Hindu identity and traditions. This move aimed to foster a sense of cultural unity and pride among the Maratha populace.

Use of Sanskrit: The royal seal of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was inscribed in Sanskrit, symbolizing the significance of Sanskrit as a language of authority and prestige. Additionally, Shivaji commissioned the creation of a comprehensive lexicon where Persian and Arabic terms were replaced with Sanskrit equivalents. This initiative led to the production of the ‘Rājavyavahārakośa,’ a state usage thesaurus, in 1677.

Cultural Standardization: By replacing Persian and Arabic terms with Sanskrit equivalents and promoting the use of Marathi, Shivaji Maharaj’s linguistic policies aimed to standardize language usage within the administration and promote cultural coherence and identity across the Maratha Empire.

Seals under the Reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

During the era of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, seals played a crucial role in authenticating official documents and symbolizing the authority of the Maratha Empire. Unlike his predecessors Shahaji and Jijabai, who utilized Persian seals, Shivaji Maharaj adopted Sanskrit for his seal, embodying his commitment to Hindu cultural identity and tradition.

Use of Sanskrit in Seals: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s seal bore an inscription in Sanskrit, reflecting his reverence for the language and its cultural significance. The seal proclaimed, “This seal of Shiva, son of Shah, shines forth for the welfare of the people and is meant to command increasing respect from the universe like the first phase of the moon.” This Sanskrit inscription underscored Shivaji Maharaj’s aspiration for the well-being and prosperity of his subjects, invoking celestial symbolism to convey his authority and legitimacy.

Symbolism and Significance: By choosing Sanskrit for his seal, Shivaji Maharaj sought to reaffirm Hindu cultural identity and sovereignty in the face of external influences. Sanskrit, as the language of ancient scriptures and Hindu tradition, represented a connection to India’s rich cultural heritage and served as a potent symbol of religious and cultural pride. The proclamation of the seal emphasized Shivaji Maharaj’s role as a protector and benefactor of his people, invoking divine blessings and universal respect for his reign.

Emblem of Authority: The seal of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was more than just a practical tool for authentication; it was a potent emblem of royal authority and legitimacy. Through its inscription and symbolism, the seal conveyed Shivaji Maharaj’s vision for a just and prosperous realm under his rule, imbuing official documents with a sense of divine sanction and cosmic significance.

Legacy: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s use of Sanskrit in his seal reflects his commitment to Hindu cultural revival and national identity. His decision to adopt Sanskrit over Persian for official purposes symbolizes a broader cultural and political assertion of indigenous traditions in the face of foreign domination. The legacy of Shivaji Maharaj’s seal endures as a testament to his visionary leadership and enduring legacy in Indian history.

Also read: Religious Policy of Shivaji Maharaj

History of Shivaji Maharaj in Marathi by Maharashtra Government